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Speaking about MFR at The Ultimate Self Help Live Event in London, UK.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is JFB-MFR?

John F Barnes' Myofascial Release is a gentle approach to bodywork that involves structural treatment, rebounding and unwinding. He has found that although each of these techniques are effective on their own, when combined they are infinitely more effective in releaseing fascial restrictions and relieving pain and dyfunction of most conditions.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a 3D web of tough connective tissue that is continuous throughout the body, affecting all bodily processes down to the cellular level. It is a network of microtubules filled with a gel that conducts energy and connects every part of the body.

What is fascial restriction?

Fascial restriction occurs as a result of inflammation from injury, illness or stress. The gel in the fascial tubules starts to harden and become stuck and will put up to 2000lbs per square inch of pressure on all of the things it surrounds (muscles, bones/joints, organs, nerves, blood vessels). This pressure will cause pain and prevent those structures from working properly.

Isn't all myofascial release the same?

No it isn't. There are several different schools of MFR (Rolfing, Structural Integration, Jenings, Meyers, Stecco, Active Release Therapy, etc) all of which follow a specific, linear method in their application of treatment. They also tend to be much more aggressive and painful, using more force than is necessary. What John Barnes has found is that the more gentle the treatment, the more profound the results.

Does MFR hurt?

When done properly, the application of JFB-MFR does not hurt, but that does not mean you won't feel pain. Even with very light pressure, the release of fascial restriction can be somewhat uncomfortable but it is necessary to feel this pain in order for the tissue to release. What you are very likely to notice is that your therapist will find areas of pain and restriction in your body that you were totally unaware of. If the therapist were to try to force the tissue to release by using more pressure than is necessary, you would feel a lot more pain and your body would tighten up to protect itself. For more information about this topic, read my blog post "So you think you need deep tissue massage".

How do I know if I need MFR?

Everyone has fascial restriction and everyone can benefit from MFR. If you have chronic pain, chronic stress or recurring injuries, you need MFR. If you experience any kind of stress in your life, you need MFR. If you do high volume physical training, you need MFR, even if you aren't "injured".

What should I expect from a treatment?

Because we are all unique individuals, response to treatment will vary. Some common sensations felt are heat or cold, numbness or tingling, twitching or pain (sharp, dull, achy). Some people feel completely energized after a treatment and some are quite tired. Effects of treatment can also show up a day or two later and feel like the onset of illness or like you've been hit by a truck. All of these symptoms will pass within a few days, as the body is able to process what is happening to it. When tissue that has been stuck for a long period of time is suddenly released, it can feel quite tender. However, after the body adjusts, it can feel quite amazing! 

What does MFR do?

MFR is extremely beneficial because it restores the fluidity in connective tissue that surrounds every cell in your body which will have a direct effect on:

  • pain relief

  • your range of motion

  • prevention of and recovery from injuries and illness

  • the ability of your muscles to contract to their maximum potential

  • the shock absorption of your tissue

  • the ability of your body to transfer energy from one area to another

  • your mental capabilities

Who can benefit from MFR?

Everyone can benefit from MFR regardless of your diagnosis or condition. People who get the best results are those who are open to things getting better. It's okay to be a bit skeptical, as long as you're open. If you are resistant to change, there's no point in contacting us.

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